Wise Women Tea

Our Wise Women tea line was inspired by the folklore of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone archetypes to allow grace for hormonal changes within the female body. This tea series can be divided generationally for the women in your life or can be enjoyed following the patterns of your own moon cycle:

Maiden ~ Mother ~ Crone

Waxing ~ Full ~ Waning

The Horned God Tea was blended for men to promote good testicular and hormonal health. The folklore of the Maiden, Mother, Crone, and the Horned God can be found in many cultures. We encourage you to find your favorite story among them. All of our teas can be enjoyed by any person.

The set includes all four teas. For individuals wanting to have a deeper understanding of their hormones and reproductive system, for couples to increase partner awareness, and for families to share in moon cycle conversations.

Let tea be a joy and always listen to your body.

Click + below to learn about each tea.

  • Ing: Angelica, Nettle, Chaste Tree, Licorice Root, Yellow Dock, Dandelion Leaf, Mugwort, Lavender

    Created for endocrine and liver health function, important in all stages of womanhood but especially needed for younger women. This tea helps to balance a women's moon cycle by regulating flow and easing hormonal symptoms.

    Taste: floral, light, smooth

  • Ing: Milky Oats, Lady’s Mantle, Lemon Balm, Chamomile, Ginger, Raspberry Leaf, Blessed Thistle

    Created for women becoming mothers and for those experienced with moon cycles. This tea is a nourishing uterine tonic and helps to calm nerves and pain. Please consult with a physician if you are pregnant or breastfeeding before taking any herbal products.

    Taste: grassy

  • Ing: Motherwort, Red Clover, Rose, Sage, Horsetail, Gotu Kola, Black Cohosh

    Created for menopausal and post-menopausal women. Beneficial for symptoms of hormonal changes, anxiety and heart palpitations, temperature fluctuations, bone health, and memory. This tea is high in vitamins and minerals.

    Taste: floral, smooth

  • Ing: Horny Goat Weed, Fennel Seed, Nettle, Saw Palmetto, Brahmi, Fenugreek

    Created for men's health. This tea focuses on hormonal balance, testicular and prostate health, and circulation. It is a blood builder and is appropriate for women as well.

    Taste: savory, bitter, sweet

Every herb contains a variety of herbal actions and benefits. Some herbs seem to “do it all” because they contain many different chemical compounds and minerals. Herbalists tend to focus on an herb's primary actions, what the plant is best known for helping medicinally throughout history and new research. We based each tea on tonic herbs and supporting herbs to bring the body into balance. These herbs are considered safe for the general public. However, please consult with a physician before taking herbal supplements if you are on medication, pregnant, or breastfeeding. Many of these herbs are not recommended during pregnancy because of their effect on the uterus and hormones. We suggest reading more about the herbs in Mother Tea, blended with expected mothers in mind, particularly in the third trimester. Again, it is very important to please consult your physician before drinking herbal tea.